Chrono Trigger Glitchless Route
From RPG Speedruns
Gate to 600
- Set battle speed to wait
- Once movable, set battle speed to 1 and cursor to memory
- Get Marle, go south, talk to shopkeeper, then north
- Talk to Lucca, don't hop on, talk to Marle and initiate the cutscene
- Grab the pendant and hop on
Frog Joins
- Fight three Imps, spam attacks
- Fight two imps after bridge to lean cyclone, spam attacks (Skip perhaps?)
- Grab Tonic and PowerGlove
- Grab power tab and shelter, head north.
- Head up Stairs, grab tonic on floor 3, grab Ether, leave castle.
- Before entering forest, equip use power tab on Chrono, equip Power glove on Chrono and Bandana on Lucca
- Fight pack of 3 Rolys (Cyclone once to kill all) and pack of 2 Rolys to learn flame toss and flame whirl.
- Flame Whirls/Flame Toss to kill all Nagas in Cathedral